[my website] How To Enable Table Contents

less than 1 minute read

Enabling table contents to a page is easy, this is a very cool feature in Jekyll, just add toc property to front matter, and toc_sticky to make it sticky, in my website project page I enabled table contents like this:

title: "Project - My Website"
toc: true           #<-- enable table of contents
toc_sticky: true    #<-- make it sticky
last_modified_at: 2019-10-11

After this is done, I can see this field generated successfully:

Contents table shown in right side bar.

But, a small problem found, due to my changes to fix header position, now when I click any link in this contents table, it moves the relevant anchor of current page to the top - which is covered by page header, a more detailed easy-to-understand description is here.

I tried couple of solutions and found the simplest one to me, only CSS change needed, edit _sass\minimal-mistakes\_base.css file:

h6[id] {
  padding-top: 70px;  //<-- for h1 to h6 tags whose have id property
  margin-top: -70px;  //<-- to avoid a blank area between paragraphs

This is a very tricky fix but it works nicely.
