[my website] How To Add Projects Page And Its Content

1 minute read

“Projects” page was added by me as I want to have a place to present my personal projects.

  1. Enable “Projects” link - First of all, I need to get that “Projects” link visible from header. Edit /_data/navigation.yml to add “Projects” title and url:

         - title: "Posts"
           url: "/posts/"
         - title: "Projects"  #<-- add this line
           url: "/projects/"  #<-- and this line
         - title: "About"
           url: "/about/"

    After this is done, I got a Projects link in the header:

  2. Enable “Projects” collection - Follow this official document page I learned that there’re couple of things to do in _config.yml:
    • Create a new collection, Collections is like posts and pages (all posts in _posts folder, general pages in _pages folder), similarly, I can place all my projects related pages into _projects folder. Ok, let’s add a new projects section in collections like this:
                output: true
                permalink: /:collection/:path/
    • Define scope for projects collection in _config.yml:
          - scope:
              page: ""
              type: projects
            values:                # for every project page:
              layout: single       #<-- make it single layout
              author_profile: true #<-- display author profile
              share: true          #<-- display share section
  3. Create “_projects” folder - Once above is done, I can now create a _projects folder under my workspace’s root and start adding MarkDown files for each project then.

  4. Create “Projects” main page - Click Projects link it will go to a blank page, because there’s no page to present all projects yet. Let me create this page first, go to _pages folder and create projects.md file. It’s like a normal page but I used splash-page-layout as I want to present each project with preview pictures. Please refer the source code: projects.md
